Tuesday, March 17, 2009

To and Around St. Augustine - and Back

Here I come to the present for a trip I took to St. Augustine, FL for a scooter rally a week and a half ago. The first stop was McCrae, Ga to get snaps of the world ugliest Statue of Liberty.

The next day I found myself leaving the scooter rally behind and riding my scooter out through one of those low parts of town when I came across Vic's House of Crabs.

This church shares a parking lot with Vic's. And I don't knw why this is in a different font.

The next day I saw this place, The Show Boat Car Wash.

YOu drive your car into the back of the place and it comes out the front CLEAN!
You can kind of see the workings inside in this picture.

On a ride up the beach I found the Elks lodge.

After a mechanical delay with my truck I was on my way home. But I needed to make one last stop. Somewhere north of Nahunta and south of Trudie.

The place.

The Entrepenuer.

The artist Albert P. Stephens.

Inside more of Albert's work.

Albert was a real character. He was proud of the guitars he had made and he even told me that he had done art work for television. He said he'd done the original drawings on which this mule was based.
This mule introduced the,"HEE HAW" show and would pop up in between jokes and say things like,"I don't b'lieve I'd a said that."
Albert also claimed to have done the character voice for the mule which he demonstrated for me. then he told me a joke.:
A little kid goes up to the counter in a store and says he wants to buy a pack of cigarettes.
The clerk says ,"YOu don't look old enough to smoke. How old are you?
the kid says, "Eleven but I can smoke. shit I went on my first date when I was 7"
clerk says, "Well damn who did you go out on a date with at that age"
kids says, "Hell, I was drunk I don't remember"

If you click on these pictures they will expand and you can get a better look. Especially at the car wash.
And there maybe a large gap before the Alices place pictures that I can't figure out how to get rid of.

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